Marilyn Allen
American Acupuncture Council – Orange, USA
Marilyn Allen did her education course in Westmont College –Santa Barbara, California China June 2015. Teacher at 17 Acupuncture Schools throughout the US. Courses include Practice Management: management, marketing, public relations and health insurance information; and Land & Ethics. Provider of lunch to all Acupuncture students taking the California Board Licensing Exam. 100 students are tested every year. Distribute a bag filled with information about suppliers, samples and malpractice to each student who takes the state exam in CA. Present commencement speeches, speeches, talks at ‘brown bag lunches’at various schools around the US. American Acupuncture Council insures the majority of the Acupuncture schools. Attend and sponsor the leaders in Acupuncture luncheon yearly. Work with the Council of State associations. Sponsor a luncheon for the presidents of all Acupuncture Schools in the US twice a year.
Consultant: Educational Programs, Practice Management, Ethics & Jurisprudence, Marketing. Her publications include: Acupuncture Today- Editor (National monthly publication), Points for Profit- Author (Textbook for Clinical Management classes), Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Journal, Back Talk: Monthly health publication for patients, California Chiropractic Association Journal, California Society of Oriental Medicine Journal, Journal of Oriental Medicine
Abstract : Safety: A global healthcare issue