Dr.Tapio Terwo, MD(AM)
MD(AM), Eng.Sc.D. President & CEO
Dr.Tapio Terwo is a Medical Doctor in Traditional Chinese Medicine. He also studied Ayurvedic Medicine in India. He has received doctorate degree in Engineering of Science from Singapore. Currently he’s President & CEO of AINTEROL Natural Products USA, Inc. He is advisor in Traditional Natural Medicine as a Food Safety, Biotechnology, Cosmetic Science, Health, Formulator & Production Consultant in several private clinics, brands and manufacturers around SE Asia. Living over 20 years in Asia & SE Asia. He has deep acknowledge of alternative medicine & treatment methods throughout Asian countries. One of his speciality is designing cosmetic formulations & manufacturing processes, which are all 100% vegan without any synthetic ingredients or preservatives
Research Interest
Female Breast Care, hormonal balancing with alternative traditional medicine & methods, extensive research with phytoestrogenic plants