Carina Harkin
BHSc.Nat.BHSc.Hom.BHSc.Acu. Cert.IV TAE. MPH, Carahealth, Ireland
Title: Plastic bioaccumulation, health implications and enhancing metabolism and excretion of plastic via phase i and phase ii liver detoxification pathways
Biography: Carina Harkin
Plastic is ubiquitous. Recent studies have highlighted that plastic is in bottled and tap water and in food products including honey, sugar and beer. 10 tonnes is estimated to fall on Paris per year! Global concern regarding the health implications is mounting, with the World Health Organisation (WHO) announcing a risk assessment review of plastics. Meanwhile we remain to eat, drink and inhale plastic without knowing what it is doing to us or indeed if we can eliminate it. Carina will discuss the scale of global microplastic contamination, where it comes from, how plastic enters the body, the health implications of inhaling and ingesting plastics and most importantly how plastic is detoxed and what are the most effective liver herbs to maximise plastic detoxification. Learn how plastic is detoxed and affects Phase 1 cytochrome P450 enzyme group & Phase II pathways including glutathione, glucuronidation and sulphation and the importance of supporting our endogenous antioxidants, catalase, glutathione (GSH), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione reductase, glutathione S-transferase (GST) and Superoxide Dismutase (SOD). Carina will discuss specifically how ingested plastics, including phthalates & BPA, and inhaled plastics, including dioxins and furans are detoxed by these processes and what herbal medicine and nutritional supplementation can maximise plastic metabolism and excretion. The talk will also address the danger of inadequate plastic detoxification and how this can damage RNA and DNA and lead to early ageing and cancer formation.