Abdulfattah AL-Turkistani
King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Title: The potential protective effect of both honey and olive oil against the methotrexate induced hepatotoxicity in rats: Biochemical, histological and immunohistological study
Bachelor of Science degree in microbiology: College of Applied of Sciences, Umm Al- Qura University, Makkah 2003 . Master of Science (MS) in Technical Anatomy & Histology Faculty of Medicine, King Abdul-Aziz University, Jeddah . Now in the final stage of the study of the Faculty of Science King Abdulaziz University2018. Publications include: Publication of an article ,The Museum of Anatomy ,World of Words Magazine , University of Toronto , Toronto ,Canada . 2015 :Alturkistani HA1, Tashkandi FM, Mohammedsaleh ZM (2015) Histological Stains: A Literature Review and Case Study , Pup Med , US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. He also work as a supervisor in the anatomy department of King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Background: Both honey and olive oil are natural products that are exhibited a good reputation not only because of their high nutritional values but also for their therapeutic properties. A lot of cytotoxic drugs are widely used in the treatment of different types of malignancies, which targeting the proliferation ability of the tumor cells. However, their use leads to injury of the normal cells. Among these drugs is the methotrexate (MTX), which is used in the treatment of a wide range of malignancies and autoimmune diseases. However, it produces many side effects that may even threaten the patient's life e.g. hepatotoxicity. The aim of the work: Is to evaluate the potential effectiveness of single and combined administration of honey and olive oil in the protection from the MTX-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. Method: Eighty four adult male albino rats were used in the present study. They were divided into 7 equal groups; group I was a negative control group, group II was given freshly prepared honey orally by gavage daily at a dose of 1.2 g/kg b.wt, group III was given olive oil (2 ml/day), group IV was given a single intraperitoneal injection of MTX (20 mg/kg bwt), group V was given MTX + freshly prepared honey orally, group VI was given MTX as above + olive oil, group VII was given MTX as above + honey + olive oil. At the end of the experiment (3 weeks), the rats of different groups were sacrificed and blood samples were collected for the determination of the liver function parameters (liver enzymes, protein profile and bilirubin). Then, the abdomen of rats of different groups was opened where pieces of the liver were excised. Half of these pieces were homogized to measure the oxidative (malondialdehyde [MDA]) and antioxidative parametes (superoxide dismutase [SOD], Catalase [CAT] and glutathione peroxidase [GP-x]); while the other pieces were processed for different histological and immunohistochemical techniques. Result: Administration of honey and olive oil exerted a protective effect against MTX-induced hepatotoxicity as demonstrated by normalization of the liver enzymes, proteins and total bilirubin and histopathological and immunohistological changes observed in the liver. In addition, both agents also reverse the oxidative damage of the liver by decresing MDA level and increasing activities of the antioxidant enzymes in the liver homogenates, as compared with control rats. These effects were more evident when the two agents were given together. Conclusion: These results provide new evidences of the hepatoprotective effect of combined intake of honey and olive oil on the biochemical and structrural MTX-induced liver damage indicating synergistic effect between them. Consequently, co-administration of these agents might be an effective aduvant therapy in cancerous patients given chemotherapy to alleviate its side effects. Furthermore, we believe that the outcome of this study will represent an important opportunity to get use of these valuable natural products, which were mentioned in many holy Quranic verses.
Khulud M Alshehri
AL-Baha University, Saudi Arabia
Title: Effects of moringa oleifera and punica granatum seeds essential oils collected from al- baha region on candidal vaginitis mice model
Khulud, M. Alshehri has completed her PhD at the age of 33 years from King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah , Saudi Arabia . She is a member of Biology Society of Saudi Arabia.
Moringa oleifera and Punica granatum are two of important medicine plants found in many parts of Al-Baha region. Moringa oleifera and Punica granatum seeds essential oils proved its antimicrobial activity against wide spectrum of pathogens. Candida albicans is caused common mucosal infectious disease in women in the form of candida vaginitis. Frequent used of antifungal treatment against Candidal infection was showed high resistant. That lead to the necessity of alternative therapy. The aim of the present study was to investigated the effect of Moringa oleifera and Punica granatum seeds essential oils on candidal vaginitis using mice model. The essential oils were extracted with n-hexane and soxhlet extractor and tested its activities. Agar diffusion method ,MIC and MFC were collected in vitro and histological diagnosis using PAS stain was examine in vivo . The Moringa oleifera E.O showed high ability to inhabited candidal growth compered to the Punica granatum E.O with 18.3±1.5mm inhibition zone and MIC&MFC were recorded 0.0312 mg/ml and 0.0625 mg/ml respectively. The Punica granatum E.O gave 12.7±1.5 mm inhibition zone and MIC&MFC were recorded 0.0625mg/ml and 0.125 mg/ml respectively. The lost of squamous epithelium cells whith no Candida albicans yeast or hyphae appeared in histological examination of Moringa oleifera treated group. Clear ability to recover vaginal lumen from Candida albicans infection showed in histological sections of Punica granatum E.O compered to infected non treated group . based on this data Moringa oleifera and Punica granatum seeds E.Os have effective therapy to candidal vaginitis.